Hi there! This is Cess once again and welcome to my 2nd blog.

Are you living a beautiful life right now?
Or can you say that life is indeed beautiful?

So last time I'm able to watch the movie entitled "Life is Beautiful", it is an old movie, but that was the most beautiful yet heartbreaking sad movie I've ever watched. Let me share with you what happened in that movie. It was all about a testament of a father's love for his son.

The leading character there was Guido he is a loving father and husband to his family. At that time all Jews were being caught by the armies and unfortunately his family was included there. They were brought to a camp site wherein men and women was being separated and also the children and old ones are also separated

Guido didn't want to be separated from his son and he didn't want his son to know what really happens inside the camp and how hard it will be when they stay there, so he said to his son that they were just playing a game and whoever earned the highest point will be the one who will win the prize. Fast forward, Guido died at the end of the story because of protecting his son. Until the end his son only knows that there were just playing and the prize that he got is to be free of that camp.

Guido can be an inspiration to everyone. In his tiny expression in every scene in the movie, he shows how beautiful life is, even if you are going into a very painful situation. How about you? Can you still manage to smile in the middle of struggles and problems in life? Maybe some of you say yes, but in reality there are people that can not.

The movie taught me that life is like a game. In every game there would be a lot of challenges, trials and problem that we have to overcome. There are sets of rule that we have to follow and when we follow the rules we have the right to continue, but if we werenot we have to face the consequences. Every right move and step we made is an earning point. And at the end of the game we are either won or lose.

But the most important in playing a game is to know the purpose of it. Same thing in life, it was given to us with a purpose and that was for us to find happiness and see how beautiful it is even there was a lot of challenges. Life is beautiful, but it is a matter of how committedwe are to make it beautiful. It is about turning on the lights in the dark of light. Hoping that there would be a rainbow after the rain. And smiling, always along the way.

Find some time to watch the movie ! ;) 

See you on my next blog!


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