Hello there! I am Cess and welcome to my first blog. Do you know someone who can be considered as a wise person? So today, let us talk about it. Every day I met a lot of people, I am able to communicate, interact and connect with them. As I meet those people, I am able to know who among them can be considered as a wise person.

For a person to be considered as a wise person he or she must posses the 5 (five) characters.

First. A wise person knows how to give importance to the valuable things in life. My parents or it could be also your parents are the best example for that. Of course, for my parents I am one of the most valuable persons they have and they always let me feel how important I am by showing their love, care and support. They also taught me how to appreciate even a small thing, because even a little one has a value too. And I learned from that once something is very valuable for you it must be your priority.

Second. We can say that a person is a wise one if he or she knows what should be done to something that happened and know how will he or she act on it accordingly. I am 99.9% sure that President Duterte was best described in that trait Before he was elected as the President of our country, he was fully aware to the increasing drug issues in our country. And now that he is already at the right position, he already knows what should be done to eliminate the drug lords and users to our country. And every time we country encountered some problems he knows how to act on it accordingly.

Third. A wise person knows what he already know and what he doesn't know. For me, every one of us can posses that trait because only we can tell what we already know. But for us to be wise, we must not be satisfied and contented of what we have, we must continue to learn, explore and discover many things in life because there are so much more to be learned in this world.

Fourth. A wise man has a justified belief. Priests and pastors are the best example of that for me. They believe in God that is why spread the word of God. They believe not because they just want, but because they feel how God works and do miracles in their life. When we believe something we must not doubt about it because once we doubt our stands becomes weak. And a wise person always having a justified belief.


Lastly. We can say that a person is wise if he or she knows how to put knowledge into practice. What do I mean? If a person learns something he also know how to apply it in real situations. Our teachers?! Yes, they are that. Finishing a 4 years bachelor degree and then a material after it until they reach the doctorate degree just to teach and to touch thousands of lives. They are not only learning in their whole life, but sharing it with all of us. They are one of the reasons behind a successful student.

So while reading my blog, have you think of someone that you know that can be considered as a wise person? I am sure that it is a yes, because you already encountered a person like that or maybe you is a wise person too. Thank you for reading! Until next time, I hope you can find some time to read my next blog.


  1. There are so many people around me that are wise person too. Its an honor for me to know them

  2. There are only a few people that are wise.


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